Experimental Page

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi faucibus fringilla tortor, quis vulputate nunc sagittis id. Nam iaculis malesuada ante eget facilisis. Maecenas ut tincidunt nunc. Cras condimentum, ipsum non lacinia rutrum, massa augue condimentum velit, eget faucibus metus ligula at nibh. Quisque placerat tortor sit amet nisi consequat efficitur. Suspendisse interdum nisi massa, ac rutrum dui vulputate sit amet. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum sollicitudin quam nec sollicitudin consequat.

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Image Gallery

This is really nice that WordPress now has a block that has a picture on one side and text on the other so I don’t have to do any goofy fo0rmatting to get these two things to work together. And, when I move the block up or down, the image and text stay together.